
Conveniently located to serve El Segundo, CA

At Beach Aesthetics in El Segundo, we take pride in our ability to create positive changes in our patients’ lives. We achieve this through a variety of state-of-the-art treatments and procedures.

One of these treatments is Kybella®, an injectable that offers effective double-chin reduction with no liposuction needed. If you have a double chin that doesn’t reflect your active and healthy lifestyle, Kybella® can help.

This treatment addresses submental chin fat, dramatically improving the appearance of the face and neck. For patients looking for double-chin reduction, Kybella® may be the perfect solution.

Why Do I Have a Double Chin?

A double chin, also known as submental fullness, is caused by excess fat deposits underneath the chin. There are multiple factors that impact the appearance of a double chin:

  • Age
  • Weight gain
  • Genetics

Exercise and proper diet can improve a double chin, but in many cases, they’re just not enough. For some, no matter how much you exercise, the double chin remains visible.

What Is Kybella®?

Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable proven to treat double-chin fat in adults. It is made of deoxycholic acid, which naturally occurs in the body. Your body uses deoxycholic acid to break down fat in your digestive system.

Because Kybella® is made of a naturally occurring substance, it is bio-compatible, meaning the risk of rejection or allergic reaction is very low.

What Happens During a Kybella® Treatment?

Our team of experienced and knowledgeable medical professionals uses a small needle to perform the Kybella® injections. This process only takes about 15 to 20 minutes per session. After the area to be treated is marked, a small amount of local anesthetic is used to numb the area.  A tiny needle is then used to inject Kybella into the treatment area. It is normal to feeling a stinging sensation after the injection but this goes away in a short time. After treatment the area can be soothed by gentle application of an icepack.

What to Expect After a Kybella® Treatment?

It is normal to have some swelling and redness at the treatment area immediately after treatment. This gradually decreases over the next few days, with resolution of swelling typically by the end of the first week. Many patients experience numbness of the skin, which is temporary and variable in duration.

Will I Need Multiple Kybella® Treatments?

Multiple Kybella® treatments are typically necessary to achieve effective double-chin reduction. The number of treatments will depend on how much submental fat you have and your personal aesthetic goals.

In your initial consultation, you will be given a better idea of how many treatments you might need to achieve your needs and goals, and an effective treatment plan will be designed for you.

Are My Results Permanent?

Kybella® destroys submental fat cells permanently. Because of this, they will no longer be able to store fat. This means that the affected fat cells will be permanently removed. Unless you gain an excessive amount of weight, maintenance treatments will not be required.

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

If you are troubled by a double chin that makes you look overweight or older than you really are, you may be a good candidate for Kybella®. This procedure is an excellent choice for those who would like to avoid liposuction and the downtime that comes along with it.

Setting Up Your Kybella® Consultation

Don’t settle for an unflattering double chin. If you’re interested in improving your facial profile with double-chin reduction, arrange an appointment for a consultation at Beach Aesthetics in El Segundo.


During your consultation, we will perform an evaluation of the submental region. Included in this evaluation will be discussion of other alternatives that are available and whether or not Kybella is the best option for you. You will get answers to all of your questions and have an opportunity to learn all you can about this amazing non-surgical treatment for double-chin.  Contact our office today to schedule your helpful consultation!

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    *Individual Results May Vary

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    *Individual Results May Vary

  • Before


    *Individual Results May Vary

  • Before


    *Individual Results May Vary

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